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In the past few years, the mobile app market has seen emergence of many advanced tools and app development frameworks. This has significantly reduced the cost of mobile app development helping businesses in having an app that improves its workflow and generates higher revenue.

But often businesses commit a few mistakes which cost them higher mobile app development prices. Hence it is essential to understand what steps a company or a business needs to follow in order to get app developed at lower prices.

As a leading mobile app development company in London, UK, here are our 10 unique tips that will minimize your mobile app development cost.

Ideas to Minimize the Mobile App Development Cost

Plan your Ideas Well

Well, mobile app development is a complex process that is completed in several phases and numerous iterations. This increases mobile app cost. So, in order to reduce the cost, proper planning and brainstorming on app ideas are required. This will not only improve the app design and provide better UI but also save you from the potential increase in app cost in between the projects.

Sketch or Wireframe Your App Ideas

sketching and wireframing app ideas

Sketching or Wireframing makes the app development process an easy one. It gives the developer a clear idea as to how he should go about the project. Wireframing also helps in short listing the technologies so that the best designs could be carved out as per the requirement. Hence, it will augment the app development companies to create the best mobile app design without the hassle of reworking on it again and again which often leads to increased app costs.

Also Read: Mobile App Development Cost Evaluation

Select App Development Platform

Businesses need to shortlist a platform they are going to go with for their future app development needs. There are platforms like Android, Windows, and iOS that have their own pros and cons. This is where you need to decide which platform works best for your app needs. For example, Android app development allows you to reach a wider audience compared to iOS which ensures you generate great revenue provided the app is good enough.

Use Open Source App Development Frameworks

Though there are many ways to cut down the cost of mobile app development, the prime way to reduce the cost is by going with open source frameworks. The framework is nothing but an environment that makes the app development process easier. One such solution is to go with cross-platform app development frameworks.

A cross-platform framework is a development environment that can let developers build apps for Android, iOS, and Windows using a single cycle of code. This saves a lot of time and money thereby reducing cost.

Outsource Your Mobile App Development Project

Outsourcing your mobile app development project saves a lot of your money. Many businesses rather think to hire mobile app developers which save their cost greatly. But we think that outsourcing your project to a mobile app development agency is a far better option than handing it to a standalone developer.

With a mobile app development firm, you get benefits of free hosting, more advance designs, skilled development team, and free app promotion all in one umbrella. Moreover, you need not worry about the security of your code which is taken care of once you sign agreement for it. In all, outsourcing is a great option for a business looking for affordably priced services.

Don’t Start it from Scratch

Many businesses are not aware of the fact that the cost of app development can be reduced with the use of pre-built features. These features are the ones’ that are already used by app development companies in prior projects.

This also saves a company’s time. An ideal example of this would be the use of push notification feature for a chat app which can easily be integrated using a third-party plugin. Hence, templates and plugins save time and efforts of developers thereby giving you the power to bargain.

Going with Agile App Development

As a Top Mobile App Development Company in London, we highly emphasize business owners to go for an app development firm that uses agile methodology. The advantage of going with agile app development is that it itself is an iterative process thus continuously improving your application’s performance at all stage of app development.

Moreover, the risk involved in the agile process is considerably lesser than in other processes like Waterfall. Furthermore, it allows you to develop the core functionality of your app first and then develops secondary features later thus you can remove or add anything at any stage of the development.

Get a Minimum Viable product

A minimum viable product or MVP is the best thing that business owners can think of. You can think of it as a prototype that has all the necessary features and functions that are required for proper functioning of the app. Many top mobile app development companies like us prefer to create an MVP first. It helps companies to use it for beta releases thus getting feedback to your application.

This saves your time in testing it further as the audience will not be using it directly knowing that it is just the pre-launch version. This will help development teams to improve more in their app development work leading to a successful app release creating a buzz for it.

Also Read: How to Figure Out App Development Cost?

Effective Marketing Strategy

Marketing is one of the main issues that developers face mostly. Remember that effective marketing can make your app skyrocket in a few months or even weeks. For this, begin by creating a blog or a website that is aimed at providing app-related information. You can post related updates or information as per your app niche.

The next step or say concurrent step should be to get on all the social media networks and take leverage from it by posting on it. Proper utilization of SEO (search engine optimization) and ASO (app store optimization) techniques which involve the use of keywords, description, can improve your app rankings. Thus effective marketing techniques can make your app highly searchable.

Find a Company That Has In-House Services

Many business owners while having budget constraints prefer to go with a development agency that has cheap services. This is where they take the services of a company that is not well equipped with all the aspects of mobile app development.

As a result of this, they have to go for other app development agencies that are expert in other stages of app development be it designing, or development or even marketing. The advantage of going with an expert and reliable company is that it can provide you every service under one roof.

Wrapping Up

I hope that the above set of points will allow you to make better decisions at app development. As you must have seen that reducing the cost of app development is not that difficult. By doing simple things like sketching, giving feedbacks, selecting the desired platform and relevant elements one can easily make an effective plan that minimizes the app development cost.

In case you need any help at your innovative idea, you can rely on Fluper, a Top Mobile App Development Company in London, UK and book a free 30-minute consultation with our experts.

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Being a Delivery Head at Fluper, Sukhmander is responsible for the on-time delivery of projects. With its previous years of experience, he has mastered the art of building mobile apps that fulfill the necessities of clients effortlessly. Mr. Sukhmander has become a perfect example of dedication and discipline for all.

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